Monday, July 13, 2009

My view

There are people who go through life with their eyes closed to the world around them. Some of these people are just dumb, they are stupid people who cannot see beauty in their surrounds. A large percentage of these people are religious. They think that what is coming next for them will be better than what they have here on this earth. The rest of these “ blind” people are just too caught up in the struggle for corporate survival and the race to accumulate wealth. The day to day grind and the expectations of society leave no time to stand in awe of a sunset or stop to look at the intricacies of veins in a leaf. What then is the point of it all? The wonders of the world we live in could and do keep many of us amused and interested all the time. I read a quote the other day “Why can we not look at a beautiful garden without searching for the fairies underneath”. Indeed this is the problem with religion. A complete disregard for knowledge that challenges their beliefs. This is why I believe so many of the uneducated and stupid people are so religious, it gives them an excuse to rape the environment and justifies their wars. What an interesting world we would live in if there was no religion. I think that we would be further ahead in our technology but where would we be morally. Maybe we needed religion in the beginning of human consciousness. It may have given us rules to live by that fostered a strong species. But it has also been corrupted by greed and insecurities. It has been used to justify too many ill deeds from telling people how to live to telling entire ethnic groups to go to war and wipe out other ethnic groups. The only place for religion in the future of this species is in history.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I love Ceviche....its that simple. This dish makes me feel amazing and is just so healthy. Its also incredibly simple and can be made with so many differant ingredients. I'll do an aisan version with soy, chilli, rice wine and lime juice or a tahitian version with lime and coconut milk. I could eat this dish every day and not get bored.

Ceviche originated in south America and is still considered the national dish of Peru. I can see the fisherman taking a lime with them and letting the juice "cure" the flesh of a freshly caught Mahi Mahi or Tuna. Pure and simple cooking at its best!