Sunday, August 2, 2009

Touchy Subject

As a species the human race is being weakened..........This is a bold statement but hear me out. We rely on medicine to save a baby when it is born prematurely or with a defect like a hole in the heart. This baby then grows up and procreates and in turn passes on this genetic defect. This weakens our gene pool. These individuals were not supposed to live to breed, to pass on their genetic faults, to jam up the process of natural selection. But we will never let a baby die without trying to help it and this is going to be our undoing. Modern medicine is actually going to be the killer of humankind. Already our life expectancy is much higher and these extra people are placing a huge strain on natural resources. Our dependence on drugs and antibiotics is allowing each generation to proceed without generating the necessary mutations against bacteria, viruses and diseases so that eventually when the drug companies cant keep up these pathogens will wipe us out……..I’m not saying that we should go out and kill any genetically inferior babies or gas our entire aged population or stop all medical advances but if you thought about it logically it makes perfect sense

Monday, July 13, 2009

My view

There are people who go through life with their eyes closed to the world around them. Some of these people are just dumb, they are stupid people who cannot see beauty in their surrounds. A large percentage of these people are religious. They think that what is coming next for them will be better than what they have here on this earth. The rest of these “ blind” people are just too caught up in the struggle for corporate survival and the race to accumulate wealth. The day to day grind and the expectations of society leave no time to stand in awe of a sunset or stop to look at the intricacies of veins in a leaf. What then is the point of it all? The wonders of the world we live in could and do keep many of us amused and interested all the time. I read a quote the other day “Why can we not look at a beautiful garden without searching for the fairies underneath”. Indeed this is the problem with religion. A complete disregard for knowledge that challenges their beliefs. This is why I believe so many of the uneducated and stupid people are so religious, it gives them an excuse to rape the environment and justifies their wars. What an interesting world we would live in if there was no religion. I think that we would be further ahead in our technology but where would we be morally. Maybe we needed religion in the beginning of human consciousness. It may have given us rules to live by that fostered a strong species. But it has also been corrupted by greed and insecurities. It has been used to justify too many ill deeds from telling people how to live to telling entire ethnic groups to go to war and wipe out other ethnic groups. The only place for religion in the future of this species is in history.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I love Ceviche....its that simple. This dish makes me feel amazing and is just so healthy. Its also incredibly simple and can be made with so many differant ingredients. I'll do an aisan version with soy, chilli, rice wine and lime juice or a tahitian version with lime and coconut milk. I could eat this dish every day and not get bored.

Ceviche originated in south America and is still considered the national dish of Peru. I can see the fisherman taking a lime with them and letting the juice "cure" the flesh of a freshly caught Mahi Mahi or Tuna. Pure and simple cooking at its best!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Just a quick one for all those as addicted to the snow as I am...FREEBORD!! its like a skateboard but it drifts like a snowboard. Look it up on youtube but I think it will be the next big thing for all those chasing that winter high in summer. I'll be getting one once the snow stops falling!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You may not have heard of him..........

I just want to give a shout out to a man who has been greyed out in the worlds history books.
His name was Nikola Tesla. He was one of the most important scientists and inventors of the modern age, a man who "shed light on the world". After his demonstration of wireless communication (radio) in 1894 and after being the victor in the "War of Currents"( one of the most spectacular public scientific demonstartions in history), he was widely respected as one of the greatest electrical engineers in the world. Much of his early work pioneered modern electrical engineering and many of his discoveries were of groundbreaking importance. During this period, in the United States, Tesla's fame rivaled that of any other inventor or scientist in history or popular culture, but due to his eccentric personality and his seemingly unbelievable and sometimes bizarre claims about possible scientific and technological developments, Tesla was ultimately ostracized and regarded as a mad scientist (his thoughts on futeristic weapons are actually a bit scary). Never having put much focus on his finances, Tesla died impoverished at the age of 86 (The conspiacy surrounding his journals following his death could fill volumes of suspense novels).

So that is just my thoughts on one of historys great inventors, look him up and just think of what we have now because of him!

New Sports

In all generations across all sports there are new trends and sub sports. Windsurfing spawned kite surfing, Skiing thankfully spawned snowboarding and surfing, well it gave birth to aborted fetus named bodyboarding but hey we all make mistakes. I like to embrace a lot of the new directions that these sports take but I just want to comment on the resistance to these infant sports. A recent off shoot from surfing is Stand Up Paddle Boarding. A large amount of surfers see this new sport as being a blight on their sport and will hurl abuse at anyone doing it. But why?

Doing something new, challenging your brain, is what keeps us young both phsically and mentally. There is nothing more draining than doing the same thing everyday and its limiting as well. I took up SUP not long ago and it has meant that I spend a lot more time in and on the water. Those onshore messy days when I used to stay home are some of the funnest days I have ever surfed now. Why would you limit yourself when there is so much fun to be had?