Sunday, August 2, 2009

Touchy Subject

As a species the human race is being weakened..........This is a bold statement but hear me out. We rely on medicine to save a baby when it is born prematurely or with a defect like a hole in the heart. This baby then grows up and procreates and in turn passes on this genetic defect. This weakens our gene pool. These individuals were not supposed to live to breed, to pass on their genetic faults, to jam up the process of natural selection. But we will never let a baby die without trying to help it and this is going to be our undoing. Modern medicine is actually going to be the killer of humankind. Already our life expectancy is much higher and these extra people are placing a huge strain on natural resources. Our dependence on drugs and antibiotics is allowing each generation to proceed without generating the necessary mutations against bacteria, viruses and diseases so that eventually when the drug companies cant keep up these pathogens will wipe us out……..I’m not saying that we should go out and kill any genetically inferior babies or gas our entire aged population or stop all medical advances but if you thought about it logically it makes perfect sense